Happy Holidays from Leff Communications

Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” has been listed as the world’s best-selling single since 1955, when the Guinness Book of World Records published its first edition. The song is most often associated with Bing Crosby, whose iconic 1947 recording is the best-known version of the song.

But in the battle of great renditions, this 1968 recording by Otis Redding is certainly in the running: it captures the emotion, the playfulness, and the joy in music that we hope all our family, friends, and business associates experience this holiday season.

And, of course, we cannot end the year without a dose of James Brown.

Happy holidays from Scott, Heather, and Brittany!


  • Scott is the founder of LEFF. He’s spent his career helping executives and subject matter experts tell their story in a compelling way. In the process, he’s had the opportunity to work with C-suite executives, politicians, academics, and Olympians, not to mention dozens of talented writers, editors, and designers in the business world. Scott developed the concept of “lean content creation” as a cost-effective way to support comprehensive, integrated communication strategies.

Scott Leff

Scott is the founder of LEFF. He’s spent his career helping executives and subject matter experts tell their story in a compelling way. In the process, he’s had the opportunity to work with C-suite executives, politicians, academics, and Olympians, not to mention dozens of talented writers, editors, and designers in the business world. Scott developed the concept of “lean content creation” as a cost-effective way to support comprehensive, integrated communication strategies.

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