Essential components of a successful paid social media campaign
June 1, 2023Three-quarters of all marketers run paid social campaigns. So if you’ve pondered or even dabbled in the space, you’ve likely…Finding my groove as a working mom
May 10, 2023Several years ago, my colleague Annie wrote a blog about coming back to work after maternity leave. I remember welcoming…The end of the world as we know it: The importance of sustainability content
April 19, 2023As a project manager at Leff, content comes across my desk that spans many different industries. It’s not often that…Feed the fearful, starve the fear: On dogs, writing, and anxiety
February 15, 2023I call my house Casa Neurosa, ostensibly referencing my penchant for taking in and rehabilitating wayward dogs with severe behavioral…Unpopular opinion: There’s a time and place for passive voice
January 18, 2023I had a professor in college who was notorious for his list of 40-something rules for grammar. He would take…How to be more succinct in thought leadership
November 18, 2022Writing is hard because writing is thinking. It’s putting ideas in a certain order, grouping them, moving them around. Deleting…Uncorking creativity for your digital marketing
October 28, 2022Many of my best memories and conversations—and blog posts—have started with a good bottle of wine. So it was no…Best practices when writing about healthcare
October 19, 2022For the past six months, I’ve had the pleasure of writing almost exclusively about healthcare, my favorite industry. According to…How project managers can build trust with clients
October 10, 2022Building trust with a client involves much more than being able to send a nicely worded email. Here are a…